There are several layers of metaphoric imagery at play here. The scene--a dungeon--is taken directly from Caravaggio's "Beheading of John the Baptist". The two prisoners looking on are in the original. The title is taken from the story that appears at the end of the gospel of Luke. In the story two men are travelling from Jerusalem to Emmaeus on the Sunday after Christ's crucifixion. Jesus joins them although they cannot tell who he is, and they proceed to discuss the events of the Passion Week all the way to Emmaeus. They invite Jesus to join them for supper, and as soon as Jesus blesses the bread and breaks it, He is revealed to the men. The men are so excited by what they have seen and heard that they run all the way back to Jerusalem to tell the others.
The characters in the painting form a clockwise progression from the two men behind bars around to Jesus. Each of them represents a stage in our spiritual journey. The keys on the table represent the freedom that Christ offers.
This painting is also offered as a fine art print in various sizes for $400. Please inquire.